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Personalizing Your Articles Back

Your newsletter is unique to you--and to your readers! It should address your readers interests and questions, as well as reflect on your own viewpoints and perspectives. So where do your filler articles fit in here? offers you a selection every month of quality filler articles for use in your own newsletter. These articles are, by design, generic and are intended for a wide audience. We send you such a large selection in order to allow you to choose those articles that work best for you.

But what if you want a more personalized article? Our filler articles are great for that. Simply use your own creativity to add to, change, or enhance your articles. For example, let's say that your monthly selections this month include a couple of articles on winter driving safety. You might decide to include those articles along with a great winter graphic or photograph. You might then include a box with the phone numbers to the local highway department's road closure phone line. If you live near skiing areas, you can include the contact information for the ski resorts. You might also come up with some ideas to combat "cabin fever." For example, include a short article on current happenings at your local museum, library, or other indoor spots.

If you are really creative, you might like to include some personal anecdotes along with your filler article. Again, using the example of a winter driving article, you might relate how you handled a fender bender in the middle of a snowstorm, or you might quote from a reader who related a story about being stuck on a highway in severe fog.

Your filler articles are designed to be versatile and useful for you as you produce your newsletter. Please share with us ways you have customized your articles for use in your newsletter by emailing us with your ideas.


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